
“Lonn! Why are you studying?! Didn’t you have a test yesterday?!” Lonn Pliu shook her head. Her aunt had been like this ever since Lonn went to school. “Education is the key to success!” crowed her Aunt Olina, everyday. Her uncle would jump behind her, and lecture Lonn about his school days, when a B would mean a whapping ruler. Lonn closed her eyes and wished for a saving grace.

Some people’s( Grace is back, not the story)life is like that. I know some people who live like Lonn.

Lonn’s sister came by and remarked, quite sourly,”You don’t care if I do anything” A few minutes later, Lonn heard a CRASH and went outside to see a bursting mad aunt. “Tinnytana, don’t play near the vases! And Lonn, watch your sister!”

Another way of (it’s me again)unfairness towards us kids. Why is it that parents think that giving punishments teaches kids not to do things that THE PARENTS DON’T LIKE. So if the thing the parent doesn’t like is talking and noise, and most teachers like that, the person will not do good at school, which is the parent’s expectation, they will get in trouble, boo-hoo.

In the Biblic way, Adam and Eve created unfairness. Technically. But God had a test to see of self control, yeah? So….the unfairness of a choice is unfair!! Life isn’t good. Comment with your thoughts!!

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